Take to the skies and discover the power of evolution!
With the Evolving Skies Booster Pack from Sword & Shield 7, enter a world full of flying and dragon Pokémon that have reached new evolutionary heights. This set brings back the iconic evolutionary lines that are among the favorite cards of trainers and collectors. Each booster pack contains 10 random cards to help you boost your pack and get rare Pokemon.
Product description:
Evolving Skies focuses on the evolutions of Pokemon such as Eevee and its evolved forms, including Umbreon VMAX and Sylveon VMAX , who come with powerful attacks and brilliant abilities. This set also brings legendary Pokémon like Rayquaza VMAX, who dominate the battlefield with their devastating dragon powers. New mechanics and abilities add depth to your strategies and open up possibilities for epic battles.
The set also includes Trainer and Energy Cards that will allow you to boost your Pokemon and strengthen your team to victory.
Package contents:
10 cards – Each booster contains rare, holo and ultra rare cards to enrich your deck.
Ability to obtain VMAX Pokémon such as Rayquaza VMAX, Umbreon VMAX and other powerful evolutionary Pokémon.
Why Choose Evolving Skies Booster Pack?
Pokémon VMAX and V with evolutionary abilities that bring new game mechanics and powerful attacks.
High chance for rare cards that can improve your team and increase the value of your collectibles.
Focus on evolutionary lines that add new depth and complexity to your battle strategy.
Investment value for collectors
Evolving Skies is one of the most sought after collector's editions. Pokemon like Rayquaza VMAX, Umbreon VMAX and other Eevee evolutions are highly prized for their rarity and power. The holo and ultra rare versions of these Pokémon will be valuable pieces in any collection and can increase in value over time, making this booster pack an excellent investment.
For coaches of all levels
Evolving Skies is perfect for trainers looking to expand their decks with powerful Pokémon with evolutionary abilities. Regardless of your experience level, this booster pack will give you powerful cards that can turn the tide of any match.
🌪️ Take your deck to new heights with the Evolving Skies Booster Pack! 🌪️
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