Booster Box Twilight Masquerade takes you to a world full of mystical Pokémon, shrouded in the veil of night and mystery. This unique set features Pokémon with Dark and Psychic abilities that will amaze you with their strength and elegance. The pack contains 36 booster packs that will allow you to discover the power of night Pokémon and legendary characters.
Product description:
In the Twilight Masquerade expansion, you will encounter Pokémon that rule the darkness and control psychic energies. The mystical Darkrai and the magical Mimikyu bring new possibilities to the game to control dark forces that can turn the tide of any battle. This set also includes sleek and rare GX and EX Pokemon to add a unique style to your deck.
Twilight Masquerade also introduces a number of new Trainers and support cards that increase your strategic flexibility and allow you to gain the upper hand over your opponents.
Package contents:
36x Twilight Masquerade booster packs Each booster contains 10 random cards that can bring you rare night Pokémon, holo cards and legendary characters.
What can you expect in each package?
10 cards – rare, holo and ultra rare cards including GX and EX Pokémon that control night and psychic powers.
Pokemon with dark and psychic abilities that bring a new dimension to game strategy.
Trainers and support cards that will improve your tactics and strengthen your game skills.
Why Choose Twilight Masquerade Booster Box?
GX and EX Pokemon such as Darkrai GX and Mimikyu EX that allow you to control dark powers and surprise your opponents.
High chance of getting rare and limited cards that will increase the power of your deck and its collectible value.
Elegant and mystical cards that add aesthetics and power to your team.
Investment value for collectors
The Twilight Masquerade Booster Box is extraordinary not only for players, but also for collectors looking for cards with long-term collectible potential. Dark and Psychic Pokemon such as Darkrai GX and Mimikyu EX are highly sought after due to their rarity and unique design. The holo and ultra rare cards in this set can increase in value significantly over time, making this booster box an attractive investment for any collector.
For coaches of all levels
Whether you're a novice or an experienced player, Twilight Masquerade gives you the tools to build a powerful dark-themed deck. This booster box allows you to discover new game mechanics and use the dark and psychic power of your Pokémon to achieve victory in every battle.
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