Enter a raw post-apocalyptic world with Radlands: Gangs of the Wasteland, a dynamic card game for two players where you will fight for survival until the last drop of water. As the leader of a tribe of survivors, you will defend your camps against the relentless attacks of the enemy tribe while searching for and using powerful card combinations to gain an advantage and destroy the enemy.
Game information:
Playing time: 31-40 minutes
Age of players: 14+
Number of players: 2
Language: Czech
About the game: Radlands: Gangs of the Wasteland is a game full of intense strategic decisions. Your task is to defend your three camps from enemy raids. If all your camps are destroyed, you lose the game. However, if you can destroy the opponent's camps first, victory is yours!
The key element of the game is water - a precious resource that you must manage wisely. Use it to recruit people, trigger events, and activate card abilities. Humans act as protection for your camps and provide a variety of tactical options, while events deliver powerful timed effects that can change the course of battle.
What you'll find in Radlands:
Unique Cards and Tactics: A shared deck of cards gives both players the same options, but each card can be used in different ways - either on the table or for quick, immediate effect.
Intense Strategic Battles: The game requires smart water management and planning card combinations to maximize effect and destroy the enemy.
Updated Rules (Version 1.2): This version contains updated rules with several changes and additions for a balanced and even better game experience.
Game material:
46 people cards
20 event cards
34 camp cards
2 water force cards and 2 raider cards
2 overview cards
6 water tokens (strong cardboard)
6 bonus water tokens (strong cardboard)
Czech rules (version 1.2)
Are you ready to fight for survival? Radlands: Gangs of the Wasteland is a game that will involve you in a brutal fight for resources and survival. If you like strategic card games with a high level of interaction and tension, this is the game for you.
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